The Data Visualisation Catalogue Blog

Chart Snapshot: Bagplots

Looking at how Bagplots work, their usefulness, along with some examples.

Chart Snapshot: Range Area Graphs

Examining the use of this ranged-focused variation of an Area Graph, along with examples.

Chart Snapshot: Stepped Area Graphs (Singular & Stacked)

This variation of an Area Graph is used to emphasise comparisons more than the trends.

Chart Snapshot: 100% Stacked Area Graphs

Here’s a way of visualising a part-to-a-whole relationship changing over time

area bands

Chart Snapshot: Area Bands

Let’s look this graph enhancement that offers more detail and context to data changing over time.

Chart Snapshot: Parliament Chart / Arc-Dot Chart + Examples

A chart for displaying the distribution of seats in a parliamentary government or election result.

Chart Snapshot: Anchor Chart + Example

Exploring what’s known about this mysterious chart type from Japan’s past.

Data Visualisation Training in Poland

New on-site, introductory training in Kraków, Poland.

Chart Snapshot: Alluvial Diagrams

The potential start of a new post series exploring new chart types in brief with examples.


10 Year Anniversary & Top 10 Charts in 2023

Let’s look back at the site’s launch and the stats for the previous year.

Incorporating Tabletop Games into Data Visualisation Education

How useful are these games in dataviz training?

La version française est désormais disponible

Bonne nouvelle pour les francophones du monde entier.

The French Version is Now Available

Good news for French-speakers around the World.

ChatGPT and AI’s Impact on Data Visualisation Work

Speculation on how AI tools like ChatGPT will impact data visualisation professionals in the future.

How Useful is ChatGPT for Data Visualisation Work?

Exploring what’s currently possible with the new AI tool ChatGPT and looking at its usefulness for data visualisation work.


Top 10 Charts in 2022

Visualising the website statistics for the past year on the most popular chart reference pages.

Selecting a Chart Based on the Number of Variables

Deciding on a chart is not as simple as identifying which can display the right number of variables, but it can be a helpful starting point.

Academic Research Done on Arc Diagrams

A list of papers written on or using Arc Diagrams.

Academic Research Done on Alluvial Diagrams

I’ve started to compile a list of academic papers and any related articles that study or use a particular type of visualisation.

Top-10 Charts Across All Languages (2021)

Examining and comparing the top-10 charts for the other language versions of the Data Visualisation Catalogue in 2021.

Top 10 Charts in 2021

Reviewing the website statistics for the past year to see which chart reference pages are the most popular.