The Data Visualisation Catalogue Blog

Chart Snapshot: Dorling Cartograms

A Cartogram variation where each geographic region is a circle, sized in proportional to a data value.

Chart Snapshot: Demers Cartograms

A Cartogram variation where each geographical region is represented by a square, with the area of the square proportional its value.


Chart Snapshot: Cartograms

A data map that distorts the geometry of geographical regions in proportion to the data value associated with that region.

Chart Snapshot: Area Bump Charts

A Bump Chart variation that displays the rank plus an additional quantitative variable changing over time.

Chart Snapshot: Bump Charts

A visualisation that shows how the rankings of different categories or entities change over a time period.

Chart Snapshot: Trail Bubble Charts

A variation of the Bubble Chart that shows the progression of data points over time by displaying a trail of past bubbles.

Chart Snapshot: Box-Percentile Plots

An improvement over the traditional Box Plot that provides a more informative display of the data distribution shape.

Chart Snapshot: Variable Width Box Plots

A variation of the standard Box Plot where the width of the box is proportional to the size of the group or data subset being represented.

Chart Snapshot: Radar Box Plots

A combination of a Radar Chart and a Box Plot that enables the comparison of multivariate data across multiple classes or clusters.

Chart Snapshot: Notched Box Plots

A variation of the classic Box Plot used to display the data distribution while emphasising the median.

Chart Snapshot: Functional Box Plots

A Box Plot variation used to explore and analyse functional data.

Chart Snapshot: Beeswarm Plots

A visualisation that plots data points in a way that resembles a swarm of bees to show data distribution.

Chart Snapshot: Beanplots

Looking at a visualisation used for comparing univariate data distribution between different groups.

Chart Snapshot: Barcode Plots

A chart used to visualise the data distribution across multiple categories by plotting short stripes

Chart Snapshot: Dumbbell Plots

Exploring this visualisation used to illustrate changes between two points in time, conditions, or groups.

Chart Snapshot: Variable Width Bar Charts

Let’s look at this Bar Chart variation that utilises the width of the bars to visualise an additional variable.

Chart Snapshot: Triangle Bar Charts

A Bar Chart variation that instead uses triangles as a more novel aesthetic.

Chart Snapshot: Diverging Bar Charts

Looking at this Bar Chart variation used for visualising contrasting data series.

Chart Snapshot: Curved Bar Charts

A visually dynamic twist on the traditional Bar Chart.

Chart Snapshot: Progressive Bar Charts

Useful in displaying parts relative to a whole but emphasises the individual segments by staggering them.

Chart Snapshot: Change Bar Charts

Exploring with examples this Bar Chart variation that’s useful for communicating change.