The Data Visualisation Catalogue Blog

3D Charts

Virtual Desks and Dashboards of the Future

Also, demonstrating the usefulness of VR in multi-dimensional data analysis and finance.

3d treemap

Further Exploration #14: 3D Treemaps That Use Extrusion

Looking at projects that have used 3D Treemaps that use extrusion to visualise an additional variable.

Further Exploration #13: 3D Treemap Spheres and Cylinders

Continuing on at exploring 3D Treemaps, this post takes a look at Treemaps that use spheres or cyclinders in their design.

treemap cubes

Further Exploration #12: 3D Treemap Cubes

Looking through 3D Treemaps that use a cube design, such as the Information Cube, the Treecube, and the Magic Treemap Cube.

3d maps

Further Exploration #3
3D Maps

In the last two posts (#1 and #2), I specifically looked a range of 3D charts, but didn’t included any 3D maps to display geographical […]

Further Exploration #2
3D Charts (Part 2)

In Further Exploration #1, I looked at charts that visualise data in 3D. In this post, I will continue to showcase and catalogue the different […]

3d charts

Further Exploration #1
3D Charts (Part 1)

While it appears that I’ve covered a huge number amount charts on the main page, there is still an abundance of different charts out there that I have […]