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Sankey DiagramDescriptionSankey Diagrams display flows and their quantities in proportion to one another. Typically, Sankey Diagrams are used to visually represent the transfer of energy, money, materials, or the flow of any isolated system or process. The thickness of the arrows and lines shows their magnitudes or quantities. Flow arrows or lines can combine or split apart at each stage of a process. Colour can be used to divide the diagram into different categories or to show the transition from one state of the process to another. Often, Sankey Diagrams are confused with Parallel Sets and Alluvial Diagrams, but this post clarifies the differences. FunctionsHow things work
AnatomyTools to Generate Visualisation
amCharts (JS)
AnyChart (JS)
Apache ECharts (JS)
D3.js Graph Gallery (D3.js)
Google Charts (HTML5)
Matplotlib (Python)
Plotly (JS)
Python Graph Gallery (plotly, pySankey, matplotlib)
R Graph Gallery (R: networkD3)
Tamc (JS)
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