Also knowns as a Levasseur Cartogram, Square Cartogram.
A Demers Cartogram is a Cartogram variation where each geographical region is represented by a square, with the area of the square proportional to the data value being visualised geographically.
The organisation of the squares is loosely based on the original topology to avoid any overlapping. A Demers Cartogram aims to reduce the gaps between adjacent squares compared to Dorling Cartograms (which use circles instead) — this helps to provide a more contiguous appearance.
Tools to generate this chart with:
D3.js, Chris Given’s Github
One of a series of cartograms of Europe published in 1876 by Pierre Émile Levasseur, the earliest known cartograms ever produced.
Congrès international de statistique (9th : 1876 : Budapest, Hungary)
The Electoral Map: Building a Path to Victory.
The New York Times
States Where Insured Could Renew Plans Before Change by Obama.
The New York Times
Huffington Post
Share of individuals using the internet, 2015.
Introducing Cartograms in Datawrapper — Datawrapper
World Protected Areas.
Monica Serrano for National Geographic
Related posts:
Chart Snapshot: Cartograms
Further Exploration #6 Cartograms